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2024 Business Excellence Awards - Sept 14, 2024



BEST WOMAN OWNED BUSINESS: The BBABC Best Woman-Owned Business Award will be presented to an outstanding Black woman entrepreneur excelling in her business, trailblazing the path for the next generation. Do you know a Black woman entrepreneur changing the game with a great business? Show your support and nominate your favorite woman owned business/s now.

BEST INNOVATIVE BUSINESS: The BBABC Best Innovative Business Award will be presented to a Black owned business revolutionizing their industry with new innovative products or services or creating a new game-changing industry.

BEST SOLOPRENEUR: The BBABC Best Solopreneur Award will be presented to an outstanding entrepreneur holding down their business as a sole proprietor. That amazing entrepreneur wearing all the hats and still rocking their business. Let’s nominate all the great Solopreneurs out there doing their thing!

BEST NEW BUSINESS: The BBABC Best New Business Award will be presented to a new business that has launched since 2021. Do you know any new businesses who have excelled in their short time of operation, those who have seen exponential growth, and have blown the doors wide open. Show them some love and nominate them!

BEST YOUTHPRENEUR: The BBABC Best Youthpreneur will be presented to our rising stars! An entrepreneur under the age of 29 whom has taken the reigns of entreprenurship and is running an amazing business. Let’s shine a light on these inspiring young talents. Nominate your favorite young entrepreneur now!

BUSINESS OF THE YEAR: The BBABC Business of the Year will be presented to an outstanding Black owned business that has great products and/services, has shown resilience, sustainability, and is an inspiration to the business community.

EXCEPTIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER: We've all used professional services in our personal and business endeavors. Whether an accountant, wealth advisor, lawyer, or all the other amazing professionals that make life easier for us. Nominate a professional whom has given you exceptional service, show some love!

COMMUNITY IMPACT: The BBABC Community Impact Award will be presented to a non-profit or grassroots organization that is doing impactful work in the Black community. Do you know an organization that is working really hard to provide supports to the community? One who is volunteering their time and efforts to make our communities a better place to live, work, and play.

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